Why Getting Ready Every Morning will Change you WFH Life

Why Getting Ready Every Morning will Change you WFH Life

Posted by Hannah Ross on Apr 9th 2022

Getting dressed in something other than sweatpants feels like a special occasion nowadays and if you work from home you might be thinking, why get ready then? Well getting ready for your day, even if you aren’t leaving your house can have positive long term effects that lead to a more productive day.

Working from home gives you the freedom to be as comfortable as you choose. Want to lay around in pajama pants with a blazer for your work meeting? Sure, who’s there to see! Wear the same pajamas for three days because it’s just you and your cat? That’s fine too! Except, these bad habits can cause stress and dread about work. When there is no change from your relaxing time and your work time, it all becomes work time. Working from your bed everyday removes that as a place of relaxation and instead makes it a place you are constantly thinking about work. That is why it is imperative to get ready in the morning. By putting on fresh clothes, fixing your hair and even putting on makeup, this will signal your brain that it’s time to work. At the end of the day when you finally put on your pajamas, your body knows it’s time to wind down. Creating this distinction will allow you to become more productive and less stressed out.

It can feel silly or overwhelming to get ready each morning, but you don’t have to rock jeans and a full face of makeup in your living room. A fresh pair of leggings and a comfortable sweater will still do the trick. *(insert pic of sweater and leggings on couch/chair)* A study from researchers at Harvard University found that wearing makeup can positively affect grades. “...Female students who had put make-up on received higher grades compared to those who did not. In addition, these students outperformed students with positive mood only and students who were engaged in a control activity.”

Taking care of yourself raises your self-esteem so you can better take care of others. When you feel good about the way you look, it makes you happier, both to yourself and others.

Mix and match colors, prints and textures to keep your outfits interesting. Have fun with it! Comfort doesn’t have to come at the cost of style. Matching loungesets, flowy linens, and baggy button-ups are great, versatile options. Remember to do what works for you. Skincare, meditation, yoga and journaling can also be added to your morning routine so you start your day positive and energized.